My mom and dad have allways been there for me and they are the main persons that guided me through my first stage of my journey. I was a verry happy child, was raised in a very familiar enviorment. I allways followed my brother (two years older) around and imitated him.
I will make my best to write about my passage through life. If I am going to be talking about myself and my life you should know some things about me so it may give you some sort of perspective. I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Omar I am 20 years old, I'm the middle child in my family, I study biology, I love adventure and extremes and I am not really used to writing for an audience.
That's a little bit about me so you can learn more about my journey.
Before writing I looked up the word journey and I found the word journey could have at least two definitions. The first one refers to "a traveling from one place to another". The other one refers to the "passage or progres from one stage to the other". After looking at theese definitions one can conclude that a journey can either refer to the change in one's physical location or to change in a more abstract way.
Internal journey:
My internal journey begins when i was a little boy with practicaly nothing but "squishy", pinkish tissue in my brain. As a newborn one is like a blob of wet clay who will be molded by any and every stimuli that manages to make it through any of the five senses. This proces of adquiring information is what makes an infant into a person and it is ultimately led by the important people who surround a baby.

The second stage of my journey starts at preschool, I started since kinder garden in a Montessori school which haves a unconventional style of educating. One is taught to be very hands on and work with one another. We were sometimes assigned as leaders and where given special tasks, thereby empowering the importance of work. I then attended a catholic school till i was in my 10th grade and was then transferred to an evangelic school. I shared with two totally different groups over this time and I feel it was inevitable for me to grow and change as a person.
Humans have evolved to adapt to circumstances in order to survive and because of this when in need a person may voluntarily or unconsciously alter their common ways. We can then say that people change will when presented with a change in its environment. This is why though situations like discovering your body and world as a child, traveling and changing schools tend to define us as persons because its under these kind of situations when we change.
In my most current stage, now that i am on my own and in college, its mostly about shaping myself as a person, making my own decisions, chasing my own interests and goals.
The internal journey and the external journey are not separated, on the contrary, they are both pretty much intertwined. The external journey is the one that constantly chalenges our ways and forces us to learn new things see things from a new perspective. I have found that every place i travel either near or far has added something to who I am. When in europe I learned to apreciate a new culture one where they conciously and and in comunity work to reduce expences an be concervative in order to minimize the impact we make on economy and nature. While working on medical aid missions in Peru I learned that we should focus our energy on what is really important. I saw many poor villagers that walked for miles in order to check for their health and had the chance to talk and learn about them. In their condition the are only able to worry about their crops their animals and their healt as well as their famillies while we underestimate the importance of such vital things in order to fixate our energies on things like brands, media, and showbiz not knowing that since we already have those vital things, we could be spending those energies on our happines real happines that lasts, the kind that is aquired by helping others, enjoying family and leting go of all worries that make a toll in your life.